Traveling with Toddlers: road trip edition

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Hello friends!  With our annual beach vacation coming up I wanted to talk road trips with toddlers!

We prefer to drive at night or extremely early in the morning when going on a road trip with the kids, so if possible thats generally our plan.  I dress them in jammies or something light & comfortable, and pack a backpack (loving these ones and how they giveback!) for each of them to keep at their feet with their special blanket,  animal,  as well as a few small toys and books that they pick on their own.  Bring shoes that are easy to get on and off, keep their shoes off while in the car, something about it makes them less anxious!   They each keep their water bottles, we use these and they never leak.

I am the holder of the snacks, be sure to bring lots.  I love this market bag it holds so much, is study, and is customizable!  I have touched on this before here, I try to keep mainly healthy options (fruit, pre-cut veggies, pb and honey, pb crackers, dry cereal etc) but have a few fun treats/snacks that I know they like.  Don’t show your cards all at once here, same with toys/activities!  Keep wipes, hand sanitizer, and a emergency kit with children’s medicine handy just incase!

I stock up on fun activities that are easy for toddlers to do in a carseat, and hide them until we get in the car the day of the trip!  Here are some new things I picked up this year:

These are the convertible carseats that they have.  Extremely high safety ratings, and the kids have no issues sitting in them for long periods.  On that note, be sure to stop often and let their little legs stretch!

In regards to tablets and screen time, the kids have these but have only used them on the flight home from our last family trip.  They have never used them in the car and I don’t want to make that a habit.  I might bring one to have at the beach house for a rainy day or an evening show.

My kids love music so we will be singing and carseat dancing when they are awake.  Also, the kids are currently super into I spy, and finding clouds that look like objects or things.  EV found a lobster cloud while I was driving yesterday and it was on point!


What are your tips on road trips with toddlers?

