household hacks

Household Hacks featuring Cascade pure essentials

Thank you to Cascade pure essentials for sponsoring this post.  All opinions are honest and my own!

cascade dishwasher detergent

As a stay at home mom of two toddlers I am always looking for ways to save time and figure out all the household mom hacks I can.  Every family is different but I wanted to share a few things that keep us on track and up to speed with housework.

I have to start by saying I am lucky to have an amazing partner in life that shares household chores equally, we definitely are ones to be up late/early when the kids are asleep doing things like dishes and laundry.  This allows for time to be spent where it matters most, in front of our kids!

cascade dishwasher detergent

1.  Use products that are efficient and preform well.

When I find well preforming products that I feel good about using in our home they become an immediate staple.  We recently started using the new Cascade pure essentials dishwasher detergent which is available at your local Target!  It has a simplified formula, yet still provides a consistent clean.  I love that it is free of phosphates, chlorine bleach and provides zero waste to landfills.  We run our dishwasher every night, and there is nothing more annoying than unloading a dishwasher to find dishes that didn’t get completely clean #nobodygottimeforthat.


Since using Cascade pure essentials I have found we are not having to run plates/knives through more than one cycle, they come out sparkly clean the first time!  I forgot to mention it smells heavenly.  Perfumes in the formula are infused with essentials oils that offer a light citrus aroma in two refreshing scents: Lemon Essence and Orange Blossom.  HACK: Use coupons when possible on tried and true household products. Target is always running specials and has great coupons.  From February 24 through March 30, save $1 off Cascade Pure Essentials (30 count or larger) using Cartwheel in the Target App here (one time use only).

white kitchen



2.  Have a schedule/system in place that works for your family

To ensure our daily routine goes smoothly, we like to have a schedule/system in place.  Kids like routine, knowing what comes next and having things to look forward are all good things for everyone.  Drew does breakfast with the kids, which allows him some one on one time with them before he goes to work.  I generally cook dinner which I enjoy, I get a little me time after spending my day with the kids, and they are so excited to see & play with Daddy when he gets home.  HACK: One of us tackles clean up from dinner the other does bath time with the kids.

3.  Start your kids early on “special jobs.”

Toddlers love tasks, and special jobs.  The earlier you begin and delegate these the better for everyone.  Currently, EV helps get the dogs breakfast every morning.  They both bus their dishes to the sink after every meal, and we are always working on picking up an activity or toy we are finished using.   Although some things do not save me time, they instill good habits, and eventually I know having them help unload the dishwasher or”folding” will be beneficial for them (and our home).  HACK: If your kids like to vacuum do yourself a favor and get this one.  It’s $20, light weight and works so well.  Felix used to run his toy vacuum all over the house, now he is actually vacuuming which is a win-win for all!

4. Have a specific day that chores that are done on each week.

I recently have started doing this and it has really made a difference.  Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t always work out as planned, and sometimes we make Sunday a major family cleaning day.  But if you try and do certain chores on specific days it gives a guide so things don’t build up and get too overwhelming!  HACK:  One thing I started to do is clean the bathroom while the kids are in the tub, my kids are old enough to entrain them self and play in the tub.  So instead of sitting on the floor scrolling through Instagram on my phone I will clean the vanity/mirrors/toilet which I can still do while safely watching my kids at tub time!

I hope some of these household hacks help you, do you have any I should add?  If so leave them in the comments below!


